Today is our second day of Occupational Therapy (OT). At Mykaya's OT evaluation last week, we found out that her ADL (Activities of Daily Living) skills are over 3 years behind. She is 7, so that means she is trying to function with a 4 year old's motor skills. She has poor handwriting which causes stress at school, she can't brush her own teeth or hair, she needs help to wash herself in the shower and wipe herself after using the bathroom, she can't lace or tie her own shoes, she can't ride a bike without training wheels, and she can't use a fork correctly, let alone a butter knife. She can, however, make you not notice ANY of those things when you are around her. Mykaya is a gorgeous, friendly, happy, independent young girl who will do anything for you, even if she barely knows you. She is very well behaved and will do anything you ask her to do with a positive attitude (most of the time).
Because I know and love the girl described in those last 3 sentences and I see Mykaya through a mother's heart, seeing in black and white just how far behind she is absolutely crushed me. You see, I have lived with my daughter her whole life and I'm used to the way that she does things. They are done the way Mykaya does them. I never saw a problem with it. Call me naive but I had no idea she was that far behind. Comparing her to 5 year old Laney turned on a lightbulb for me, but it's hard to know, is Kaya that far behind, or is Laney just that far ahead? I guess we have our answer now.
I have a lot of hope for Mykaya; she is getting all the help she could ever need with her school, therapy, a strong family behind her, and an array of activities/gatherings planned for her. But the main thing Mykaya has going for her is her attitude. She never gives up and I know without a doubt that she will catch up to her peers.
With love,
The Schulz's
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